What a surprise!!!

Today I had a visit from my CPN. I have one every month at the moment. We were half way through and it was decided that I no longer need to see him. Not a big surprise as we have been talking about it for a while. He said he would see my doctor tomorrow and see what he says. I am expecting to stay as a outpatient for a while as they are dropping my medication so will want to keep tabs on it.

I then had an appointment with my employment specialist. She said can we take photos? I thought why? She said it’s for a cover on employment news! Err ok….. lol. So an new guy popped in and asked about my story etc so we went through it all, he then said can we take pictures of you two chatting? So he was snapping away while we chatted. Then they said can I be a guest speaker on a 6 week program to help others with mental health!!

OMG!!! They said to talk about my story, what happened, what helped, how employment accelerated my recovery and how I am now. Before I had time to think about it I said yes. 😱 now I’m shitting a brick but I hope I can give someone a bit of hope that if I can do it they can too!!!!!

I’m thinking it’s best not to plan what I want to say as I know my mind will go blank as soon as I’m on stage. I don’t do public speaking and I know I will be sick before I do it but I am willing to go through it to help others!!!

Fingers crossed

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